Public Health Concerns
Bed Bugs Are Real…
Many people think of bed bugs as no more than part of a cute bedtime cliché: “Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” But they are quite real, and far from cute. Bed bugs are small, brownish insects with flat, oval-shaped bodies. Young bed bugs can be no bigger than a pinhead, or even undetectable by the naked eye. They feed on the blood of animals, including humans. Their name comes from their tendency to live between mattresses and feed on bed occupants at night. Bed bugs don’t fly, but move quickly over floors, walls, and ceilings. Female bed bugs lay up to five eggs a day and 500 during a lifetime….
Mosquitoes & The West Nile Virus
- Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Either eliminate or treat any standing water in receptacles or containers in your yard.
Standing water can be treated with our product. It can be easily applied in water gardens, ornamental fountains, roof gutters, bird baths, old tires, flower pots, tree holes, urns, rain barrels, pool covers, abandoned swimming pools, or an other water holding receptacles. The product we apply prevents developing mosquitoes from ever reaching the breeding, biting adult stage…
Bedbug Treatment Preparation
Proper preparation is a mandatory requirement for control to be effective. Pest control firms should outline this in detail and provide detailed instructions on what to do. This is generally done by the resident; although some firms may offer preparation for an additional charge, this is uncommon. Preparation involves providing access for pest control treatment as well as taking measures to ensure that bedbugs are destroyed or contained…
Mosquito Q&A
A: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, where the adults lay their eggs and the larvae hatch and develop. Because mosquitioes must have water to complete their life cycle, treating sources of water is important to prevent the larvae from becoming breeding, biting, and potentially disease-carrying adults….