Mosquito Control
Q: Where do mosquitoes come from?
A: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, where the adults lay their eggs and the larvae hatch and develop. Because mosquitoes require water to complete their life cycle, treating sources of water is important for preventing the larvae from becoming breeding, biting, and potentially disease-carrying adults.
Q: Are the mosquitoes I see on my property from places on my property?
A: In general, yes. Most mosquitoes you see are from your property or your neighbors. Mosquitoes usually stay close to the area where they developed into adults. There are mosquito species, however, that can fly several miles. Counties and municipalities pay the most attention to these species, which is why it is important to call a pest control company for treating your home or office.
Q: Doesn’t my county or municipality already spray for mosquitoes?
A: Some do, but with a limited amount of general fogging or only within specific treatment areas, such as catch basins. Many parts of the Baltimore area, including private property and retention ponds, are not treated. Check with your local health department or Mosquito Abatement District for details on any local treatment programs.
Q: Can’t we just spray when we see mosquitoes?
A: You can spray to kill the adult, biting mosquitoes. By the time you see them, however, several hundred mosquitoes have already emerged from water sources as adults. It’s much better to stop them before that point, with a larvicide that prevents mosquitoes from developing.
Q: Can the products you apply be used around people and pets with confidence?
A: Yes. Our mosquito control products are fully approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are applied by trained, licensed technicians. They are specifically designed to target insects and only insects.
Q: Do your mosquito control products hurt wildlife and fish in ponds or streams?
A: Our products only target insects. They are not harmful to fish, pets, or wildlife when used according to label directions by trained professionals.
Q: Why should we treat our property if we stay inside most of the time and use repellent when we go outside?
A: Even one bite from a disease-carrying mosquito can infect a person with West Nile virus or other mosquito-borne diseases. Pets are also at risk for West Nile Virus.
Q: Are the mosquitoes around Baltimore the ones that cause disease?
A: Yes. While there are hundreds of different species of mosquitoes, there are two basic classifications: floodwater and permanent-water mosquitoes. Both types can transmit West Nile virus and other diseases. Therefore, you should take care to avoid mosquito bites.
Q: Why are regular mosquito treatments necessary?
A: Mosquitoes develop, mature, and lay eggs in standing water whenever conditions are right, which is usually in warmer months. Regular treatments are recommended whenever conditions are suitable for mosquito reproduction.
Q: Will treatments totally eliminate mosquitoes?
A: It is possible for mosquitoes to migrate from other areas and to reproduce in new sources of standing water. Treatment will greatly reduce the number of mosquitoes, however, and will provide significant protection.
Q: How many months per year should we treat our property for mosquitoes?
A: Treatment should begin as soon as the temperature regularly goes above 65°F and should continue into the fall.
Q: Should people and animals stay away from areas for a certain amount of time after a treatment?
A: People and animals should avoid treated areas until the adulticide is dry. Waiting is not necessary with larvicide.
Q: Is your insecticide safe enough to be sprayed in pet water bowls, water gardens, and water troughs?
A: Yes, the larvicide product we use has been completely tested by the EPA and can be used in these areas.

Mosquito Prevention Tips
- Remove litter from your yard. Mosquitoes can lay eggs in small, discarded items that hold water, such as cans, bottles, and wrappers.
- Stay indoors during dawn, dusk, and early evening, when mosquitoes are more likely to bite.
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants for extra protection.
Stay indoors during dawn, dusk and early evening when mosquitoes are more likely to bite.
- Use a repellent containing DEET on skin and clothing; apply repellent sparingly to exposed skin.
- Protect your dog or cat with a mosquito repellant made specifically for pets.
Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. In order to get rid of mosquitoes, you must eliminate or treat any standing water in receptacles or containers in your yard. Our insecticide effectively treats standing water, including in water gardens, ornamental fountains, roof gutters, bird baths, old tires, flower pots, tree holes, urns, rain barrels, pool covers, abandoned swimming pools, or any other water-holding receptacles. The eco-friendly insecticide that we apply prevents developing mosquitoes from ever reaching the breeding, biting adult stage. Get in touch with our Baltimore pest control team to learn more!